Hold Tight! - Luzern
Chapter 3
Page 15
Hold Tight!
Chapter 3
Getting Away
13 Holiday time
14 Train CB
15 Luzern
16 Four cantons
17 Getting home
1 Beginnings
2 Learning
3 Getting Away
4 Winchester
5 Freedom
6 Southampton
7 City Transport
<< Back First impressions. Next >>
Luzern, the first city I ever saw outside Britain. I left my suitcase at the hotel on the banks of the river and walked towards the lake in the spring sunshine. There were two things I had not expected. Some of the trolleybuses were articulated with the conductor sitting at the back to take the fares, although they were about to be phased out in favour of ticket machines at the bus stops. Many years later 'bendy' buses would be introduced in the UK as something new but this was my first sight of them.
Then there were the mail vans and also some trucks made by Saurer which were right hand drive. I thought that the mail vans might be to allow the driver to get out on the kerb side or it might be because not so long before the driver had sat on the nearside of postal buses so that he was close to the edge of the mountain roads. But I never did find out the real reason.
During my stay I had time in the evenings to wander away from the city centre and discovered that the smartness of the tourist area soon gave way to the parts where people lived and worked. But there was still something exotic about the building styles, even the newer ones were somehow different. Tired after the long journey, I spent the first day getting my bearings and finding out what I could do the rest of the week.
Kapellbrücke (Rathausquai)
Luzern: Hofkirche   Löwendenkmal   Rathausquai   Trolleybus   Trolleybus
The dome in the last picture belongs to the railway station and would be destroyed along with the rest of this fine Victorian building in the fire on the 6th of February 1971.
Switzerland seemed very clean and well looked after compared with Britain and France. In 1968 it was still a very conservative country, as yet untouched by the social revolution of the swinging sixties. In most Cantons women had no vote and where they could it had been a recent development. Women could vote at Federal level from 1971 but the last Canton (Appenzell Innerhoden) to grant equality would not do so until 1990..
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